Library Rules

  • “The real purpose of books is to trap the mind into doing its own thinking” (Chirstopher Marlowe).
  • Books from the library will be issued to the students during the library periods as assigned in the class Time Table. Once one book is issued at a time.
  • All books must be entered in the library Register before they are taken from the library.
  • Books are issued to the borrower only. Hence students may not lend or exchange them with classmates.
  • Books may not be kept for more than 7 days. Failure to return a book on expiry of the maximum period of 14 days will involve the payment of a fine of RS. 100/- per day.
  • The borrower who losses a book will have to pay the full price of the book.
  • All library books must be returned one month before the Terminal and Final Examinations.